Remember movies about terminator, iron man, spider man and many others where superheroes can see information through glasses or helmets with Augmented Reality technology? They could see important information instantly instead of searching for it for minutes.
Imagine a world where you can answer questions like "who is this?" or "what is that" by just looking at the object. Or by pointing your smartphone camera to this object.
In today's world almost every single object has a digital alter-ego. Speed of interaction has to grow in geometric progression.
We don't believe in Metaverse, where people are connected to Virtual Reality 24/7 and are happy with just shiny avatars instead of real life.
In fact Metaverse already happened.
We are surrounded by people who have social networks accounts,
ride-sharing apps with information about every single taxi cab, restaurants and shops are connected to a multitude of maps and reviews services, and many other digitised things.
All this is an actual Metaverse. And we live in this digitalised world.
A lens which you can use to see information about the surrounding world.
You could've found this information through convenient methods, but this would've taken way more time and effort.
With XSight all just need to do is to point your camera to a person or a point of interest - and you will see a hologram with information you need.
Every technological advancement, and this Metaverse is not an exception, can have good and evil applications.
We strongly believe that personal data privacy should be a cornerstone of a system with so many ways to use and misuse it.
That is why we don't use facial recognition biometric technology.
We also store all data in an encrypted and safe way.
So that every XSight Metaverse participant can control which personal information is accessible and who can see it.
Now, as we speak of different ways to use XSight - this goes well beyond the traditional spectrum for social mobile app.
You can turn on your XSight profile hologram, and this hologram will appear on top of your head - other XSight users will be able to see it through the XSight camera app.
In addition you can just look through XSight lens on others:
Who is this guy playing guitar so well?
Hmm, is there gonna be an after party?
Did I see those guys at my university?
You are at a tech conference and looking for a business cofounder?
You can add your goals to your XSight profile and enable profile hologram - we call this "enable GoPublic mode".
This will simplify jobs for other attendees because now they can see straight away what you are looking for at this conference.
You don't know who is going to take the stage next? Interested "who is this speaker?" - you already know which app you should use to find answers to those questions instantly.
You are in a line to a restaurant, and notice another good one across the road, but you are not sure if that other place has something suitable for you to eat?
Simply point your phone camera 🤳 to that place and see all you need to know - check their menu in one click.
You went outdoors and can't find your uber cab?
XSight camera will draw a huge glowing arrow on top of your taxi - you can't miss that. Our world is no longer just a physical space.
It is fully connected with online information.
The question is - do you believe in a future, where information is available literally in a blink of an eye?
If your answer is YES - then you know which mobile app you need to download now ✌️
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